Tina Dura
Tina and her research lab specialize in subduction zone paleogeodesy, which combines the methods of coastal stratigraphy, sedimentology, micropaleontology, paleoseismology, geophysical and sediment transport modeling, and sea-level research to reconstruct long-term histories of coseismic vertical deformation and tsunami inundation along subduction zone coastlines. The group employs both field-based methods (stratigraphic mapping, sediment descriptions, surveying) and laboratory-based methods (particle size, geochemical, and diatom analyses) to characterize coastal sedimentary sequences and identify evidence of sudden coseismic subsidence or uplift of the coastline and/or anomalous sand beds that may represent past tsunami inundation. Earthquake and tsunami chronologies are developed through radiocarbon, 137Cs, and OSL dating. Tina and her lab group are one of the only academic labs to specialize in diatom-based subduction zone paleogeodesy, an approach that is particularly valuable for quantifying coseismic land-level change across sharp stratigraphic contacts and identifying anomalous sand beds deposited by tsunamis over centennial and millennial timescales.
Geosciences Mail Code 0420 4044 Derring Hall 926 West Campus Drive Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24061 530-990-3468 [email protected] |